To everyone who questions Beyonce’s halftime show salute to the Black Panther’s


To those who had a problem with Beyonce’s salute to the Black Panthers during the Super Bowl halftime show: The Black Panther’s get a bad misconception of being a violent and malicious group, who hunted down white cops for enjoyment. When in fact they only carried weapons when authorized for self-defense purposes. I do not believe that Beyonce’s performance was intended to disrespect police officers in any way, rather she was trying to shed awareness on the issues that the black community experience, in our white catered system.  While Also demonstrating her pride, and dignity to be black. Two men founded the Black Panthers, Huey Newton, and Bobby Seale. Both men were very educated individuals. The Black Panthers are NOT! a hate group. They are a group that fights for racial and social equality, for the black population. In fact, they were violent only when needed. The comparison between the KKK and the Black Panther’s is INVALID and wrong. The KKK is a hate group that targets individuals just for being a specific skin color or religion. While the Black Panther’s on the other hand fight for social equality and freedom from oppression. As a white population, I believe it’s our duty to not be so ignorant when it comes to these issues. We need to step out of our “white bubbles” and realize that there are other people on this planet. Times have gotten better, however, they are still not where they should be. As a white individual, I believe that it is my responsibility to educate myself about other cultures and realize that although I may be the majority, I’m not the priority. I simply have a belief in racial and social equality, along with a desire to learn. This is not just a black and white issue, yet society’s issue.